Thursday, December 3, 2009

Strange Days

So here we are again, I got a medical checkup, if you could call it that, yesterday and that was an experience. The Koreans are so crazy about little 6 oz paper cups that they serve everything in it...they even give you one for your urine test. So I'm trying to walk down this hallway packed full of about 40 little Korean children balancing this paper cup full of pee and they are all so excited to see a white person that they are all pointing a shouting what sounds to me like the ramblings of Chewbacka the wookie. So I get to the blood test part and they stick this needle in me and give me an alcohol swap, tell me to come back in 5 minutes when my arm stops bleeding and throw the swap away...they are so hi-tech and sophisticated that their sanitary disposal is a used ice cream bucket. I think I might need to get another check-up just to see if I caught anything during the first one.

They are also all very concerned about colds and the flu, because about one in five people walk around all day with a surgeons mask on. I guess that's good, but maybe that means that there is just a lot more crap floating around in the air.

I had a splitting headache yesterday and left school on a mission to find some sort of Tylenol or anything to get rid of it. After about three hours of wandering into every store that looked like they might have that sort of thing, I gave up...still no Tylenol. I'm not so sure that they even have it here. I would talk to a shaman but I haven't found one yet and he couldn't understand me anyway.

I still don't have my own electronics working, I bought a power adaptor yesterday, but all that it did was blow up my electric razor. Good thing I didn't plug in my laptop or camera. So I'll be taking pictures but wont have them up until I get that problem fixed. This computer in my office is ancient and I am sure it would explode if I tried to upload photos on it.

The good news is they gave me the choice if having a land line in my domicile or a cell phone, so I'm opting for the latter. They also don't use sheets here and it is a good thing I brought my sleeping bag because I haven't been able to find a blanket for the life of me. Maybe in Seoul.

I'm heading on an adventure this afternoon...going to try my luck at navigating the public transportation system to find Julian. My guess is that it will truly be an adventure, and I'll be lucky to find him.

Beer is expensive for Korean standards, they only sell them individually as far as I can tell, and it's about two dollars a can. The good thing is that you can get twelve ounces of this stuff in a green bottle that is 20.1% alcohol for less than one dollar a bottle.

Well off the try my hand at this teaching thing. Later.

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