After the first snowfall of the new decade, on January 4th I rambled around town to see what I could find. There is not much to say about the actual rambling, other than it was frigid, but here are a few interesting photos I shot. I will have a series coming up pretty soon, with the theme of "mirrors," involving nothing but pictures taken through traffic mirrors, as there are so many of them here. Enjoy.

There is not much wildlife here in Korea, I think it has something to do with the North Koreans blasting anything that moves in the DMZ, rendering Korea an isolated island, much like the Galapagos but without the wildlife.

I do like the Korean pickup truck, all the sides are tailgates and they get wicked good gas mileage. Im not saying they could pull a horse trailer or anything like that, but they are pretty cool.
I am not sure if this is stating the obvious, but clicking pictures gives you a nice big version.