Monday, February 1, 2010

Collection of Teachers

I just stumbled upon these pictures while trying to clear out some space on my hard drive. They are from the second weekend here in Korea. I met Julian at the Bucheon bus terminal where we proceeded to go and meet with a group of other teachers and debauchery ensued. We ate some good food and went to a Norabong, the Korean super-equivalent of Karaoke, which they are crazy about here. We also went to a western bar with beer towers and hockey memorabilia everywhere. I am sure it is owned by Canadians.

Not really a Korean picture per se, but I like it so here it is.

She just found out that are beers were non-alcoholic, apparently you are supposed to sneak your own booze into this particular Norabong...I mean really, who can sing karoake with non-alcoholic beers?
This is also in the Norabong, Julian and Mercedes. I just liked the lights in this picture, so its here.

This is at the Canadian Western bar in Bucheon. We were playing a Korean drinking game, Titanic. Although the name isn't Korean, the soju is, and the beer definitely is. You float a shot glass in a glass of beer and take turns pouring soju into the floating shot glass. The person that sinks it, chugs it. Excellent game.

Who knows what they are singing here, but it is the typical setup for a Norabong. Mirrors, comfy stadium seating or couches in the background, and a surprising amount of fun, stricktly dictated by how "lively" you are feeling, of course.

Depth of field, enough said.

Koreans cater to the blind, but only with the braille on their beer cans. The rest of Korea is extremely non-handicap accessible.

Bucheonian skyline number one, from the top of Devin's apartment.

Bucheonian skyline number two, same place, different view.

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